Improving Agricultural Productivity and Income Through Sustainable Water Management Practices

Sociocapital conducted the Mid-Term Review of the USAID-funded ‘Water for Agriculture’ project interventions targeted at sustainably increasing water availability and management towards increasing agricultural productivity amongst 4,000 farmers and 50,000 herders in Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe states in North-Eastern Nigeria.

Improving Agricultural Productivity and Income Through Sustainable Water Management Practices Read More »

Improving Equitable Access to Skills and Employment Through Apprenticeship and Informal Education

Sociocapital supported the Skills for Prosperity (S4P) Nigeria Project to conduct a detailed country landscape and stakeholder satisfaction survey to: identify and address factors that shape the business environment for technical and vocational education and training (TVET); understand stakeholder’s satisfaction with TVET programmes, apprenticeships, and traineeships; and uncover specific areas related to safeguarding, gender equality and social inclusion capacity.

Improving Equitable Access to Skills and Employment Through Apprenticeship and Informal Education Read More »

Expanding New Contraceptive Technologies Access Through Behaviour-Based Insights and Market-Driven Strategies

In expanding the country’s equitable contraceptive technology access, Sociocapital supported the development of the national Hormonal Intrauterine System (H-IUS) product introduction strategy that addresses specific country requirements from selection to scale-up in a manner that is wholly government-led. The strategy development process was built on market insights based on a realistic contraceptive investment case which incorporated behavioural economics principles, social behaviour changes (SBC) theories and design thinking methodologies.

Expanding New Contraceptive Technologies Access Through Behaviour-Based Insights and Market-Driven Strategies Read More »

Strengthening Surveillance Systems for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Use (AMU) Across the Human, Animal, and Environmental Health Sectors

Sociocapital supported Development Alternatives, International (DAI) – the Fleming Funding local partner in Nigeria to develop a comprehensive Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Use (AMU) communication strategy that would drive behaviour change amongst stakeholders in the aquaculture value chain.

Strengthening Surveillance Systems for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Use (AMU) Across the Human, Animal, and Environmental Health Sectors Read More »